Email Marketing

Email marketing is (and will continue to be in the foreseeable future) the most revenue-driving method of digital marketing. According to the Data & Marketing Association, email generates an ROI of 122% across all industries. The average individual checks their email 74 times a day, which is three times the “daily check rate” of social media and other messaging apps (DMA).

We must keep in mind that 122% ROI is not achieved by simply sending a generic promotional email to every customer in your database a few times a month. Quite the contrary. Successful email marketing requires a well-vetted strategy, segmentation and personalization, and captivating, useful content.

Email Marketing Strategy

There is no such thing as a “one-size fits all” marketing strategy and email marketing is no different. For instance, an auto dealership wouldn’t benefit from sending a recent buyer a promotion for a similar vehicle three days after purchase, but an online clothing retailer who sends a promotion on a similarly purchased blouse probably would. Building an effective email marketing strategy can be challenging, rigorous, and time-consuming. We make this process easier on ourselves with an unrelenting focus on what’s most important - your customer’s needs and wants.

Segmented Email Campaigns

We create segmented email lists by extracting your customer’s transaction and communication history from your database. The number of email lists will depend on several factors including the size of the database, the average frequency of product/service purchase, the number of unique products/services, the average product/service purchase price, etc. The goal is to consistently send actionable emails that make it easy and rewarding for your customers to continue doing business with you.

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